

Seminário Internacional Foresight


Seminário Internacional Foresight

O seminário "Foresight International Seminar: from theory to practice" facilitou a troca de experiências dos melhores especialistas internacionais e nacionais no campo da prospecção, principalmente com relação ao uso de métodos e ferramentas que apoiam a tomada de decisão no âmbito de organizações públicas ou privadas. Além do frutífero intercâmbio, o evento permitiu atualizar a visão crítica de como a atividade de foresight vem sendo abordada por outras instituições do Brasil e do exterior.

O idioma de trabalho foi o inglês e as apresentações e os debates foram distribuídos em quatro painéis temáticos:
1. Language and the communication styles required to address the interests and expectations of the client and involved stakeholders;
2. The application of methods and tools to bring to the table out-of-the-box thoughts;
3. How to organize the pre-foresight activities;
4. The application of information and knowledge management tools.

Acesse as apresentações de cada palestra:

1º dia

Painel Temático 01:
The language and the communication styles required to address the interests and expectations of the client and involved stakeholders
Marcio de Miranda Santos - CGEE Diretor Executivo
Richard David Hames - Diretor Executivo do Asian Foresight Institute ( Integral Systemic Foresight. New Frontiers - new challenges)
Lélio Fellows Filho - Assessor CGEE ( The language and the communication styles required to address the interests and expectations of the client and involved stakeholders)
Richard Silberglitt - RAND Corporation, Senior Physical Scientist ( Foresight in the local context)

Painel Temático 02:
The application of methods and tools to bring to the table out-of-the-box thoughts
Rosa Alegria - Vice-presidente do Núcleo de Estudos do Futuro da PUC/SP
Fernando Ortega San Martín - Foresight and Technology Innovation Director - CONCYTEC ( Foresight promotion in a Latin American country: The Peruvian Case)
Jack Smith - Adjunct Professor, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa ( Building resilience & foresight capacity: framing scenarios to anticipate disruption and strategic surprise)
Ron Johnston - Diretor Executivo do Australian Centre for Innovation (ACIIC) ( Foresight International Seminar: From Theory to Practice)

2º dia

Painel Temático 03
How to organize the pre-foresight activities, considering the client, partner and stakeholders’ interests
Cláudio Chauke Nehme - Assessor do CGEE
Bryan Boyer - Design Lead, SITRA, Finlândia ( Helping Government design answers to unprecedented questions)
Cristiano Cagnin - European Commission, JRC-IPTS ( Aspects to consider when designing foresight activities)

Painel Temático 04
The application of information and knowledge management tools
Sérgio Luiz Monteiro Salles Filho - Professor do DPCT e Coordenador do GEOPI - UNICAMP
Denis L. Balaguer - Diretor de Tecnologia, Embraer ( IT systems and technological prospective: some insights from Embraer's experience)
Gilda Massari Coelho - Assessora do CGEE ( The application of information and knowledge management tools)
Howard Rasheed - CEO and Fouder, Institute of Innovation, Inc., and Associate Professor at University of North Carolina at Wilmington ( Sustainable innovation: a strategic foresight roadmap to the future)

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